The NOS Management and Budget Office (MBO) provides timely value-added public service, leadership, operational oversight and system coordination of financial, administrative, policy, communications, and product delivery and services for National Ocean Service and NOAA ocean communities.
Students from South Plantation High School at Hugh Taylor Birch State Park in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, after completing water quality tests, a beach clean-up, and documenting their results.
In Fiscal Year 2020 the NOAA Planet Stewards (NPS) Education Project saw an 83% increase (from 9000 to 16,500) in subscribers to its online newsletter, The Watch, making it the most subscribed to NOS e-newsletter. Through a new partnership with NOAA’s Center for Coastal and Marine Ecosystems, NPS supported undergraduates at five minority-serving institutions in researching living shorelines’ effectiveness in protecting vulnerable coastal communities.
In spite of enormous disruptions at schools nationwide, NPS K-12 educators made significant contributions to the protection and conservation of natural resources. NSP educators worked with students, families, and the public in 15 states and in Germany (through a U.S. Department of Defense school) to address local environmental issues including, but not limited to: marine debris, sustainable waste management/reduction and recycling, and invasive species removal. 4,122 K-12 and 169 post-graduate students, 311 educators, and 725 parents and partners were involved in these hands-on activities. Students spent over 5,225 hours learning about the science related to these projects, and over 15,850 hours engaging in stewardship activities. Hundreds of invasive plants were replaced with native species. Over 750 pounds of marine debris were removed from beaches, and over 9,375 16 ounce single use bottles and plastic utensils were saved, recycled, or removed from use. These and other activities led to a calculated reduction of over two tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Traffic to the NOS website increased 9% in Fiscal Year 2020 compared to the previous fiscal year. Google searches accounted for 524 million impressions in FY 19. This means that 524 million people were presented with NOS page results based on the search terms they used. Of that 524 million, 10.5 million people clicked on a link to get to the NOS website. The NOS website average ranking on Google search pages is 8.1, which means that NOS pages are overwhelmingly presented near the top on the first page of Google results when people search for ocean- or coastal-related terms or phrases. This applies not only to the U.S., but for the entire English-speaking world.
In Fiscal Year 2020, NOS Instagram followers increased 10% (from 93,258 to 102,626 followers). The number of NOS Facebook page “likes” grew 1.5% (from 117,497 to 119,229), the number of NOS Twitter followers grew 2% (from 183,518 to 187,016), while lifetime video views on the NOS YouTube Channel grew by 38% (from 2,721,332 to 3,757,844).
This year marked the eighth 30 Days of the Ocean social media campaign, held each June, to celebrate World Ocean Day and National Ocean Month. The most popular posts on Facebook and Twitter included high water level warnings (229,848 views) and aerial imagery (109,999 views) for Hurricane Laura. Posts highlighting ocean facts, like Earth’s largest waterfall (83,699 views) and latitudes (64,494 views) were also well received. The “World Ocean Day” video was received well with 149,727 views.