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NOS Information Management

NOS Fiscal Year 2022 Year in Review

NOS's Information Management Office (IMO) plays a central role in providing IT infrastructure for NOS and NOS-wide IT governance (which includes strategic planning and policy development).

NOS Helps White House Launch Climate Mapping Portal


In an interagency effort with the Department of the Interior (DOI), NOAA played a critical role in helping the White House launch the Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation (CMRA) portal to help communities assess exposure to climate hazards. IMO staff led an interagency agreement with DOI that provided the mechanism for both agencies to contribute funding over multiple task orders to complete initial work for the CMRA launch. The CMRA portal is an easily accessible and interactive geospatial website that will help federal, state, local, and tribal governments, as well as nonprofit organizations, learn about climate hazards impacting their communities. CMRA integrates information from across the U.S. government, including climate maps and data; federal grant and funding opportunities; and relevant non-climate data, such as building code standards, economic justice, and social vulnerability information. The portal also serves as a key tool to aid in the planning and implementation of federal investments, such as those related to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act.

NIMO Lead Receives Special GIS Award


An IMO data management lead received an award for special achievement in GIS for work on NOAA’s “The Opportunity Project: Creating Tools to Empower Climate Smart Communities.” The awards are presented to worldwide users for outstanding work with geographic information systems technology. NOAA led a challenge for innovators to build data-driven tools to help communities accelerate equitable resilience and tackle the climate crisis. Municipal, county, tribal, and state governments require tailored geospatial systems to help them quickly and easily make climate science-informed decisions and produce locally customized maps, visuals, and text to communicate about and address local climate-related risks and opportunities. By unlocking open data from NOAA and other federal agencies, technical teams developed easy-to-use tools and tailor-made geospatial information systems to support the development of climate resilience plans for underserved communities. NOS served as a sprint co-lead with NOAA Research, in a joint partnership between NOAA and the U.S. Census Bureau.

NOS Data Program Assessment Completed


The NOS Data Management Working Group, led by IMO data management team leads, conducted the first, NOS Data Program Assessment. The assessment involved collecting information across all eight NOS program offices on current environmental data management activities and staff supporting datamanagement requirements. A summary report from the assessment provides findings for each program office and key recommendations. These include recommendations for senior leadership, and recommendations related to communication of responsibilities, training needs, and a full-time individual dedicated to data management in each program office.

New NOS IT Ticketing System


IMO led several NOS program offices in a transition from their existing IT ticketing systems to an NOS-wide cloud-based system. The NOS team worked with the NOAA ServiceNow program office to identify and configure requirements. After a testing period, each office migrated on its own schedule. This collaboration paves the way for future consolidation of NOS end-user requirements, and using a NOAA enterprise service introduces cost efficiencies that allow each program office to put more of its budget towards other mission requirements.