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Archive of Past Significant Tropical storms

View stories, documents, and background material related to past storms that entailed significant National Ocean Service preparedness, response, and recovery support.

2020: Isaias, Laura, Sally

2019: Barry, Dorian

2018: Florence, Michael

2017: Harvey, Irma, Maria

2016: Matthew

2012: Sandy

2011: Hurricane Irene

2005: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

Hurricane Links

Did you know?

"Hurricane Season" begins on June 1 and ends on November 30, although hurricanes can, and have, occurred outside of this time frame. NOAA's National Hurricane Center predicts and tracks these massive storm systems, which occur, on average, 12 times a year in the Atlantic basin. As a world leader in hurricane research, NOAA strives to understand the mechanics of these complex storms in order to protect people, property, commerce, and natural resources.

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