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Disaster Response Support

NOS Services

When a disaster is imminent or strikes unexpectedly, NOS is prepared to provide a broad range of scientific, technical, and policy experts to support the response and inform recovery. When a Stafford Act declaration is made, this support may or may not require the issuance of a FEMA Mission Assignment depending on the scope of the disaster, cost of the service, and the length of time NOS experts are reassigned from their normal, appropriated duties and missions. The issuance of a Mission Assignment for a Coastal Advisor would provide FEMA and others with direct access to an NOS expert who would facilitate the delivery of other NOS expertise and services as might be needed. Examples of other NOS services that could be valuable for preparedness, response and recovery include:

Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations: A software suite designed to help prepare for and respond to chemical emergencies.

General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment: A software modeling tool used to predict how oil and other pollutants might move and spread on the water.

Environmental Response Management Application: An online mapping tool integrating static and real-time data in an easy-to-use format for environmental responders and decision-makers.

ESI Maps
Environmental Sensitivity Index Maps: Provide a concise summary of coastal resources at risk for contamination.

A GIS-based online web mapping service that provides frequently updated weather and ocean observations, coastal and marine weather warnings and forecasts, and potential storm surge flooding maps.

Digital Coast
A NOAA-sponsored partnership and website focused on helping communities address coastal issues by providing tools, training and data on everything from economic data to satellite imagery.

Storm QuickLook
A product that provides a synopsis of near real-time oceanographic and meteorological observations at locations affected by a tropical cyclone.

Physical Oceanographic Real Time System: A NOS service to deliver real-time oceanographic and meteorological data designed primarily for mariners, but with applications for coastal management and emergency operations.

Integrated Ocean Observing System: A network of regional ocean observing systems designed to track, predict, manage and adapt to changes in the ocean, coastal and Great Lakes environment.

NOS Services in Support of Disaster Response
NOS Hurricane Response: Tools, Data, and Services
Expertise & Capabilities

In the spirit of FEMA's "whole community" approach, NOS is committed to improving the nation's capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and adapt to natural and man-made hazards.

If you have questions regarding NOS disaster response services, contact us.