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2018 Year in Review

NOS by the Numbers

mariners in the Gulf of Maine


The number of hours out the Gulf of Maine’s new Operational Forecast System can forecast water levels, currents, water temperature, and salinity, promoting safe navigation and better transit planning for mariners.

Tamarindo Chico, Culebra Island, Puerto Rico, overturned corals with macroalgal overgrowth

$26 million

The amount of money NOS provided for efforts that support coral reef science and management in seven U.S. states and territories in Fiscal Year 2018.

planet stewards workshop


The number of educators that participated in monthly Planet Stewards webinars, covering topics including, but not limited to, decreasing marine debris, conserving and restoring natural resources, and understanding and responding to weather events.

New York wind energy map


The number of days spent on a seafloor mapping mission in the New York Wind Energy Area to provide seafloor maps and model validation in support of alternative energy development.

NGS industry workshop

$522 million

The estimated amount of annual economic benefits the Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum Program will provide, once implemented.

overturned vessel


The number of hours volunteers spent restoring trails in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria and a devastating winter storm, resulting in an estimated $73,554 in labor cost savings.

operational forecast system


The number of weeks it took students to become certified in NOAA’s new nautical cartography certification program.

ocean guardian program


The number of plastic bottles kept out of landfills through the NOAA Ocean Guardian School Program.

derelict vessels

$34.3 million

The total amount of money OR&R reached in settlements and agreements requiring companies to pay to restore natural resources following the release of industrial pollutants.

IOOS regions


The number of Regional Information Coordination Entities that meet NOAA standards for organizational and data management practices in Fiscal Year 2018.

Hurricane Florence QuickLook product


The number of near real-time oceanographic and meteorological observations, called Storm Quicklooks, issued during Hurricane Florence.

Hurricane Michael storm imagery


The number of photographs taken during Hurricane Michael to assess coastal impacts to navigation, and to identify landing zones for helicopters to deliver supplies to areas cut off by the storm.