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2022 NOAA Science Report: NOS Highlights

Coral and fish

The 2022 NOAA Science Report features summaries for several projects undertaken by program offices within NOS.

The 2022 NOAA Science Report emphasizes the wide range of impacts that NOAA science advancements have on the lives of Americans and the world.

The newly released report includes more than 60 stories about NOAA’s 2022 research and development accomplishments across NOAA’s mission.

This report includes summaries of selected scientific projects undertaken by the program offices of NOAA’s National Ocean Service (NOS) during Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) — from the world’s highest resolution global storm surge model becoming operational to ecosystem restoration of deep seafloor communities impacted by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill to expansion of harmful algal bloom monitoring to investigate clam toxicity in Southeast Alaska to the real-time expedition of the USS Monitor. We hope you take some time to review the many actions NOS has taken, innovative projects we've completed, and scientific endeavors we have embarked upon to advance NOS's priorities.