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Sarah Lowe: NOAA Aquatic Biologist

Sarah Lowe

Sarah Lowe collects debris along the shore of Lake Erie in East Harbor State Park, Ohio.

Sarah Lowe: A Day in the Life Donut chart showing the typical work duties of Sarah Lowe, NOAA Aquatic Biologist. Outreach and education to schools and the public. Pink chart segment spanning 20% of the whole: the percentage of time Sarah Lowe spends on outreach and education to schools and the public. Bringing people together to get things done. Green chart segment spanning 50% of the whole: the percentage of time Sarah Lowe spends on bringing people together to get things done. >Planning, raising funds. Blue chart segment spanning 30% of the whole: the percentage of time Sarah Lowe spends on planning and project management. Daily Duties

Donut chart showing how Sarah Lowe, NOAA Aquatic Biologist, spends his time.

Aquatic biology is a sub-discipline of biology (the science of living things) that studies the freshwater ecosystems of Earth.

Sarah’s original vision for her career was of being in the field doing wildlife management. But that vision changed a bit when she was accepted as a Knauss Fellow with NOAA’s Marine Debris Program (MDP). She spent a year developing best practices for determining what and how much debris is on our shorelines. Sarah grew up with Lake Erie in her backyard, and the health of the Great Lakes was always important to her. So when the MDP wanted her to stay on after her fellowship ended to be its coordinator for the Great Lakes area, she couldn’t say no. Now, she loves doing outreach and education in her job at NOAA, especially with kids. You get to experience a light bulb going off when someone learns something new, she says. It leaves her with a lot of hope for the future, even when finding common solutions to our ocean and Great Lakes problems can be a struggle.

  • Name: Sarah Lowe
  • Location: Oak Harbor, Ohio
  • Education: B.S. Biology; M.S. Biology, Aquatic Ecology, Bowling Green State University

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Author: NOAA

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