The following are winning entries in the Working Ocean category of our 2015 World Ocean Day photo contest. Please note that we may use any of the approximately 400 photos we received for this contest on our website and in other NOS publications. We will provide credit to photographers whenever we use any of the photos. We would like to thank all who participated.
This panorama was taken from Campobello Island in Canada of the town of Lubec, Maine—the most eastern town in the U.S. Credit: Allison Buchtien
A woman paddles home after visiting her family across the bay on the island of Makira in the Solomon Islands. Credit: Christine de Silva
From the photographer: "In this picture, I was sitting in front of a breakwater along the coast in Texel, the Netherlands, that is only visible during low tide and covered with mussels. At the time, I was doing research for the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research. These mussels are an important food source for Herring gulls. I was observing these gulls on the breakwater to find out if they were evenly distributed over the breakwater. This was not the case, so the next step of the research is to find out if there is a difference in mussel quality between the different parts of the breakwater." Credit: Petra Manche
A wharf in Sidney-by-the-Sea, British Columbia, Canada. From the photographer: "I was capturing the 'stuff' in the life of a fisher-person." Credit: Heather Meads
Aboard the USS Nimitz off the coast of California doing sea trials for the F-35 fighter aircraft. Credit: Jim Wiltse