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Applying to NOAA Planet Stewards for Project Funding

Are you an educator focused on building science literacy so your students or members of your community can understand concepts in ocean, atmospheric, and Earth science?; assess the scientific credibility of information?; make informed and responsible decisions?; and most importantly, initiate actions to address pressing environmental issues?

Would $5,000 help you to realize these goals?

In this video Bruce Moravchik, Manager of NOAA Planet Stewards, presents how educators working with elementary through university aged students can apply for funding up to $5000 for their schools and communities to carry out stewardship projects that make a measurable impact on environmental issues. Bruce will discuss eligibility, available resources, review the process of, and answers questions about, the application process.

Don't miss this opportunity!

The dates noted in this video are no longer applicable, but the content is still valid. The correct dates for submitting an application and applicants being informed of their status are noted on this Planet Stewards Program page.

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Bruce Moravchik
Bruce Moravchik

Bruce Moravchik coordinates the NOAA Ocean Service Education portfolio developing content, resources and professional development initiatives for educators which convey the broad range of NOAA’s research, technology, and activities. As part of this portfolio he manages NOAA Planet Stewards - a national program reaching over 27,000 educators nationwide.

Prior to joining NOAA Bruce established a marine and environmental studies program at a Rhode Island high school, working with teachers and students on coastal ecology, aquaculture, and habitat restoration. He has taught oceanography on tall ships in the Caribbean; studied the population dynamics and behavioral ecology of lobster and crab populations in New England; and conducted oceanographic and coral reef ecology research in the Red Sea.

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Last updated: 06/16/24
Author: NOAA
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