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Engaging Students Toward Stewardship the MWEE Way

The Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) is an approach to teaching and learning upon which environmental literacy programming can be built. MWEEs are three dimensional learner-centered experiences that focus on investigations into local environmental issues that lead to informed action and civic engagement. This program model does not occur in isolation, school divisions, non-profits, natural resource agencies, universities, and others, are organizations that have the mission orientation and capacity to implement MWEEs to engaged students and stewardship. During this Planet Stewards webinar we will discuss the MWEE approach and resources that can support you in the development of MWEEs in your school or organization.

Bart Merrick
Bart Merrick

Bart Merrick has been an environmental educator for 20+years, working with teachers and students from Massachusetts to Virginia, to promote environmental literacy and foster understanding, awareness and respect for the natural world. He developed an appreciation for the many opportunities to learn and explore offered by Maryland’s diverse environments, especially the Chesapeake Bay, through his work with both Living Classrooms and Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Upon receiving a Masters in Environmental Science from Johns Hopkins University, Bart went to work for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources as the Education Coordinator for the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. Bart now works with the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office and coordinates the Environmental Science Training Center, a program that strives to connect regional educators to NOAA and partner science and scientists.

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Last updated: 06/16/24
Author: NOAA
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