The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change offers a clear overview of the physical science of climate change while addressing the social science that makes teaching about it a different kind of challenge than teaching photosynthesis (for example). The book and this presentation also dig into the science and its scary implications without losing hope. The session will include an overview of the book, discussion of how and why to keep hope in approaching the teaching of climate change, and some time for open discussion.
Don Duggan-Haas
At the time of this broadcast Don Duggan-Haas was the Director of Teacher Programs at The Paleontological Research Institution (PRI) and its Museum of the Earth & Cayuga Nature Center in Ithaca, NY. Don’s work in public outreach, teacher education, teacher professional development and curriculum materials development marries deep understandings of how people learn with deep understandings of the Earth system. He is a nationally regarded expert in climate and energy education, place-based and technology-rich Earth and environmental science education. He also is co-author of the books: The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change and The Science Beneath the Surface: A Very Short Guide to the Marcellus Shale. He served on the Earth & Space Science Design Team for the National Research Council’s A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Don has taught at Colgate, Cornell, and Michigan State Universities, Kalamazoo College, and Tapestry and Norwich (New York) High Schools.
Dr. Ingrid Zabel
At the time of this broadcast Dr. Zabel was the Climate Change Education Manager at PRI. She is interested in building public understanding of the science and societal impact of climate change. Ingrid leads climate change science activities with youth and the public at the Cayuga Nature Center, the Museum of the Earth, and schools in Ithaca, NY and New York City. She develops science exhibit content, manages citizen science projects, and is one of the authors of PRI’s Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change. She is the Curator of two state-level portals to climate change resources: the New York Climate Change Science Clearinghouse and Resilient MA, for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
NOAA Climate Connections newsletter Subscription Requests
National Centers for Environmental Data
NOAA’s NCEI Page for Paleoclimatology
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Climate Adaptation Mitigation e-Learning (CAMEL)
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