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Sharing Stories About Climate Change

The Climate Stories Project (CSP) is an educational and artistic forum for sharing stories about personal and community responses to climate change. Through CSP workshops students learn how to engage with climate change through people’s stories, rather than just through the lens of science. In the workshops, students prepare, carry out, and record interviews with local and remote interviewees about their diverse responses to climate change. Students learn to speak with each other about climate change, develop interviewing and editing skills, and create and share original digital storytelling projects. In this presentation you'll learn about the background, goals, methods, and structure of CSP education workshops, and how to integrate them into your existing curriculum. To find out more about CSP, visit climatestoriesproject.org

Jason Davis

Jason Davis

Jason Davis is the director of the Climate Stories Project, an educational and artistic forum for sharing stories about personal and community responses to climate change. Jason is an accomplished environmental educator, musician, and a professor at Showa Women’s College in Boston. With his jazz group Earthsound Jason combines the power of spoken personal narratives with improvised music and natural soundscapes. Jason has a Master’s degree in Music from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Ecology from the University of Florida. He lives and works in Boston, MA.

Additional Resource:

Climate Heros: Stories of Change

Climate Wisconsin: Stories From a State of Change

The Faces of Climate Change

Stories of TRUST: Calling for Climate Recovery