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Spice Core: Adding Ingredients to the Climate Recipe

What is Antarctic paleo-climate research? Join Dr. T.J. Fudge and Louis Huffman and find out. They will discuss SPICE Core (South Pole Ice Core) where scientists seeking data from the past 40,000 years are drilling a 1500 meter ice core to study chemical isotopes, tiny particles called aerosols and atmospheric gases trapped in the earth's great southern ice sheet. The goal is to investigate environmental change since the last glacial/interglacial transition.

Why was the South Pole targeted? What criteria affect the specific site selection for drilling? What new kinds of technology were required? Dr. T.J. Fudge will answer your questions, and share his work in the Pole's extreme environment.

Educational resources from the US Ice Drilling Program will be showcased by IDPO’s Education Program Manager, Louise Huffman.

Dr. T.J. Fudge

Dr. T.J. Fudge

At the time of this broadcast Lori Kumler was an Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Mount Union in Alliance, Ohio. Her research interests include civics education, environmental policy, and climate change in social studies education.

Dr. T.J. Fudge has traveled to Antarctica, Greenland, Alaska, and throughout his home state of Washington to study ice. His research focuses on two questions: how has the Earth's climate changed in the past and how will glaciers and ice sheets respond to climate change in the future. To answer these questions, T.J. drills ice cores and makes geophysical observations of ice from around the world.

Louise Huffman

Louise Huffman

Louise Huffman was a classroom teacher when she first spent a research season in Antarctica. After retiring from teaching, she was the Coordinator of Education and Outreach for ANDRILL (Antarctic geological DRILLing) and returned to Antarctica for a second research season with them. She chaired the formal education outreach subcommittee of the IPY (International Polar Year) IPO (International Program Office) and at the time of this broadcast was the IDPO (Ice Drilling Program Office) Director of Education and Public Outreach.


Resources from the CLEAN Collection

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