CLEAN - the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network is dedicated to increasing climate and energy literacy. A national community of professional scientists and educators, CLEAN is committed to supporting three dimensional learning in classrooms through a curated collection of climate and energy education resources. Dr. Gold and Ms. Taylor will provide an overview of the CLEAN portal and its collection of almost 700 resources including activities, videos, visualizations, short demonstrations and experiments that have been reviewed for scientific accuracy, pedagogical effectiveness, and technical quality. They will also demonstrate the use of the new downloadable CLEAN Get Started Guide, whose step by step process is organized around a three dimensional learning model, designed to help you create your own climate and energy units using the CLEAN resource collection.
Jennifer Taylor
At the time of this broadcast Jennifer Taylor was the Curriculum Development and Project Coordinator for the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) Education Outreach group at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Before joining CIRES, she enjoyed teaching middle school science for fifteen years. Her approach to science education centers on project-based learning and citizen-science research. Jennifer is eager to help educate our next generation of scientists and engage the public in understanding climate and energy. She has a master's degree in Environmental Biology.
Anne Gold
At the time of this broadcast Dr. Anne Gold was the Director of CIRES's Education and Outreach group. She has conducted climate science research for 6 years and taught many college-level classes. She was also the program manager and Primary Investigator (PI) for the CLEAN project and developed the CLEAN peer-review process for educational resources. Dr. Gold conducts program evaluation and educational research around climate topics and has served as a lead on summer research projects for community college students in Colorado, on curriculum development projects and research projects about the importance of spatial thinking in Geoscience education. She was also the PI of a project in which students developed short videos about how climate change affects their communities and lives.
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NOAA Office of Education Climate Change Resources Collection
U.S. Department of Energy STEM Rising Website