Below are links to descriptions of funded stewardship projects in the field of Habitat Conservation/Restoration. Some are only short descriptions, others are more robust articles that have been published in The Earth Scientist. We hope they inspire you to take positive environmental actions within your community, and consider applying to NOAA Planet Stewards for funding.
(Angela — Middle school teacher, Gorham, Maine)
Middle school students planting native species after removing invasive plants.
Invasive plants are those from another region that do not belong in their new environment. They can cause extinctions of native plants, reduce biodiversity, compete with natives for limited resources, and alter habitats. Angela and her seventh grade students decided to do something about the invasive plants growing around their school yard. To engage and excite her students about science, Angela challenged her 82 seventh graders to identify local invasive planets, develop a removal and treatment program to keep invasive plants out of the school grounds, and choose and grow appropriate native plants for their area.
Starting in the fall, students counted and removed invasive plants in quadrats on the school grounds and measured the pH of the soil. When they weren’t counting and measuring, they researched and discussed potential native species to grow in the classroom to replace the invasives they planned to remove (based on their pH measurements). They continued the removal and watched their new native plants grow in the classroom throughout the winter. In the spring, the seventh graders conducted the final removal and transplanted their new plants to the cleared areas. By the end of the year, the students had engaged in 328 hours of stewardship activities and removed 405 pounds of invasive plants from their school grounds. Angela became a NOAA Planet Steward in 2019 and was invited to present her project during a NOAA Planet Stewards workshop at the National Science Teaching Association’s (NSTA) national conference in 2019. She teaches seventh grade earth science in Gorham, Maine.
(Chris – GCOOS Outreach and Education Manager, St. Petersburg, Florida)
Students restore vegetation in a Florida coastal wetland.
Storm surge inundation of low-lying communities in the St. Petersburg area prompted 60 students in grades 3-5 to take action to help their community. Over three months, the students learned about a variety of topics including the role of coastal wetlands and assessing vulnerability to inundation in the classroom and through field trips. To put their new knowledge to work, the students restored 231 square meters of bay grass at Bay Vista Park in St. Petersburg. The students also hosted an exhibit at the St. Petersburg Science Festival and worked with peers in grades 2-5 to develop adaptation and emergency evacuation plans.
(Ben — High school teacher, Delta, Colorado)
Students in the Solar Energy Training vocational course install a 2400 W solar array they designed.
A Colorado “community with deep roots in agriculture and coal mining is quickly transitioning into a booming destination for recreation, tourism, and renewable energy.” Ben decided to use that momentum to bring renewable energy to his school and train students in the burgeoning field. The project powered an outdoor classroom with a student-installed and monitored solar array, reduced the amount of carbon entering the atmosphere, and trained local students as solar technicians.
After learning phases of solar electric design and installation, the 14 students in the Solar Energy Training vocational course, designed and installed a 2400-watt solar array in the Solar PV Lap Yard. They planned the layout of the panels, diagramed the wiring, and installed and wired the array. The students collected data on the performance of the panels and created a Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) for operating the array to maximize production. In addition, 75 environmental science students quantified and monitored the array to correctly predict the amount of electricity needed and to calculate the climate benefit of the array. As a result of the project, 1.38 tons of carbon dioxide were kept out of the environment, 14 students graduated from the training program, and 10 teachers completed a professional development program to bring solar energy and technology into the classrooms.
Ben became a NOAA Planet Steward in 2018 and has had two projects funded by NOAA Planet Stewards. He is a high school environmental science teacher and a Knowles Teacher Initiative Senior Fellow. Through his Solar Energy Training class, students leave high school prepared to be technicians in the solar industry.
(Claire – School Volunteer, Evanston, IL)
Students planting the rain garden at their school.
Storms have become increasingly severe in the Great Lakes region. Students at an elementary school in Evanston, Illinois noticed there was a steady stream of water flowing out of two the school’s downspouts. After learning about weather, its connection to climate, and ways to make a difference in their environment, students created a rain garden to reduce the amount of water running out of the downspouts onto an adjacent driveway and sidewalk. Eighty kindergarten through fifth grade students researched plants, created school and garden maps, and planted and tended the garden. By the end of the project, a 600 square foot rain garden reduced the amount of water going into the storm sewers by 60-70%.
(Megan - Education Coordinator, Texas)
Student identifying wetland plants using a quadrat during the wetland ecology activity at the field experience.
The Galveston Bay is the largest (by volume) and most productive estuary on the Texas Gulf Coast. Wetland Connections addressed issues with local wetland loss within the Galveston Bay ecosystem by including students in the education and restoration of this vital ecosystem. Students participated in two STEM workshops investigating the benefits of natural living shorelines compared to non-living shorelines and designing and implementing a plan to improve the health of their local watershed. Wetland Connections reached 1,624 students with 25,792 hours of project involvement hours during the 2021-2022 school year. Students grew, monitored, and transplanted enough essential marshland grasses to restore 0.2 acres of marsh wetland. These efforts help provide food and shelter for indigenous species, prevent coastal flooding, store carbon, and stabilize the sediment, protecting adjacent upland habitat from erosion.
One student stated, “I think I underestimated the importance of wetlands until I participated in the Wetland Connections Program as I never understood their true purposes. However, through participation, I grew to comprehend the significant role these wetlands play in everyday life, especially for preserving species diversity and maintaining a healthy overall environment.”
(Jody - South Plantation High School, FL)
High school girls’ lacrosse team collecting recyclables from athletic field.
This project was designed to address whether a school’s landscaping choices could make a positive impact on its carbon footprint, enhance wildlife conservation, and improve surface water quality. The specific outcomes for the project included improvements to the campus as an example of environmental stewardship, and enhancement of student knowledge and attitudes towards the environment and their role as stewards. Outputs for the first group included decreasing their carbon footprint, enhancing habitat and increasing biodiversity on the campus of the regions’ wildlife, and improving water quality leaving campus. Outputs for the second group were to increase students’ knowledge of the causes and consequences of climate change, habitat loss, and water pollution, and enhance their belief that their actions can make a difference and be empowered to continue to work towards solving environmental challenges long after they leave high school.
Students, teachers, and partners transformed more than 1,670 square feet of the campus adding 950.5 square feet of native plant islands and creating 722 square feet of rain gardens (groundcover, shrubs, and trees). This transformed the part of the campus from a carbon source composed of a virtual monoculture of nonnative species (sod) to a carbon sink (300+ native plants installed) with increased biodiversity and all criteria needed to qualify as certified wildlife habitat. There will be a 132.3 lbs/year reduction in CO2 emissions.
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