In this video message, NOS Assistant Administrator Nicole LeBoeuf shares that over the next year, new coastal land cover data will be available throughout the coastal zone, and at a resolution, or level of detail, we’ve never been able to provide before. (Video Transcript)
Here at NOAA, we have exciting news to share!
Over the next year, new high-resolution coastal land cover data will be available for the entire coastal zone. This valuable update will provide users with higher-quality land cover imagery by transitioning from a 30-meter resolution to a 1-meter resolution. The higher resolution will make this product more applicable for use at the community level.
Coastal land cover or CCAP is an important data product that NOAA has provided for decades. Land cover data is obtained by analyzing imagery collected from satellites and airplanes to determine how much of a region is covered by forests, wetlands, agriculture and other land and water types. People use these data to better understand impacts from natural phenomena and human use and to evaluate management decisions. Due to the increased costs associated with high-resolution CCAP data, this product is often unattainable for local communities, but not anymore.
Using funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, NOAA and several other entities are working together to obtain high-resolution data for the entire coastal zone. With higher-resolution data, local officials and others can now access and analyze details that were previously unavailable.
This is a game changer. Coastal communities can use this product to improve sea level rise projections, support flood protection efforts, inform wetland restoration projects and much more. This enhanced data will have a tremendous impact on communities working to address climate change and make wise planning and other decisions about the future.
These data will be available free of charge on the Digital Coast website by the end of 2023. Learn more about this important product by visiting the link in this post.