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NOAA Celebrates 50 Years

2 October 2020

October 3 marks NOAA’s 50th anniversary. Although NOAA is turning 50, its roots go back over 200 years to 1807, when President Thomas Jefferson founded the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. NOAA was established under the Department of Commerce in 1970 — continuing to make life better for U.S. citizens through scientific accuracy and precision.

To commemorate this important anniversary, throughout 2020, NOAA’s Office of Communications has led an incredible campaign that focuses not only on where NOAA came from, but where we’re going. The National Ocean Service has played a key role in supporting the campaign’s efforts by working collaboratively with other line offices to create some truly amazing and inspirational products.

We worked with the NOAA Video Studio to oversee the 50th anniversary video efforts, including “50 Years of Science, Service, and Stewardship,” “NOAA’s 50th Anniversary - Our People,” and “NOAA's 50th anniversary - Our Birthday Story.” We created the “NOAA at 50: By the Numbers” graphic, which gives the public a snapshot of the breadth of NOAA’s mission. We contributed photos to NOAA’s 50th anniversary landing page, helped kick off the celebration in January at the American Meteorological Society Conference, and are sharing fun and engaging content on our social media platforms using the hashtags #NOAAat50 and #50YearsOfNOAA. These are just some of the ways that NOS is spreading the word about NOAA’s incredible history and exciting future.

Steady as we go,

Nicole R. LeBoeuf
Assistant Administrator (Acting)
Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management,
National Ocean Service
Assistant Administrator (Actg.) Portrait

Nicole R. LeBoeuf
Assistant Administrator (Acting), National Ocean Service

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