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NOAA's Digital Coast Exemplifies How Collaborative Efforts Achieve Results

14 May 2020

I’d like to share some examples of how collaborative efforts across NOAA line offices, other federal agencies, and partner organizations can achieve impactful results. 

Recently, I participated online in the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force Virtual Spring Meeting. This interagency group provides long-term strategic coordination of efforts to restore the 18,000 square mile South Florida Ecosystem. The Task Force continues to review project plans for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, report on restoration progress, and work to “get the water right” in terms of quality, quantity, timing, and distribution. I provided remarks at the meeting that emphasized NOAA’s commitment to supporting conservation efforts in South Florida, and the importance of building coastal resilience as sea level rise continues to be a critical issue that coastal communities in Florida and throughout the nation face.

One way that NOAA is addressing the challenges associated with sea level rise is through the information and training provided on NOAA’s Digital Coast website. Over the past twelve years, Digital Coast has become one of NOAA’s most widely used product delivery systems. The website is focused on helping communities address coastal issues and has become one of the most-used resources in the coastal management community. Digital Coast contains more than 160 training resources, 70 tools, and over 2,500 ocean and coastal data sets.

Though the effort is led by our Office for Coastal Management, it is the content contributions made by over 40 NOAA offices that makes the resource a recognized information powerhouse. Examples include electronic nautical chart data from the Office of Coast Survey, historical hurricane track data from the National Weather Service, and imagery from the National Geodetic Survey

In all endeavors, we are stronger when we work together. Digital Coast provides an exemplary example of this concept. By providing information on this shared platform, all of our products and services have the potential to be seen (and used!) by a much broader audience.

Steady as we go,

Nicole R. LeBoeuf
Assistant Administrator (Acting)
Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management,
National Ocean Service
Assistant Administrator (Actg.) Portrait

Nicole R. LeBoeuf
Assistant Administrator (Acting), National Ocean Service

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