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Visits to Remember

Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

Place-based conservation really hit home for me last week when I had the opportunity to visit the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. I was in Florida to participate in the Reserve’s State of the Coast meeting with federal, state, and local officials to discuss the latest coastal science and management issues.

Both the Rookery Bay NERR and the Florida Keys NMS provide world-class examples of place-based conservation. For instance, the staff members at the Reserve are leading a multi-disciplinary team to understand and manage fresh-water flows, which is a significant issue for the area. Through this project and others at Rookery Bay, the Reserve is helping individuals, businesses, and communities make decisions that are environmentally and economically sound.

Similarly, Florida Keys NMS established the Blue Star program to recognize charter boat operators committed to protecting the Florida Keys coral reef ecosystem. The operators support reef protection through the promotion of responsible snorkeling and diving practices. This is a highly effective way to provide targeted education to divers and snorkelers to decrease contact with reef habitat.

There are plenty of examples I could name, but the thread that runs through all of them is that place-based conservation connects individuals in a very personal way to the areas that we seek to protect. Both the Reserve and the Sanctuary made a lasting impression for me personally. I would like to thank the staff members from the Reserve and the Sanctuary for taking the time to show me around and share their challenges and success stories with me.

Dave Holst
Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator
National Ocean Service

Editor's Note: This is a guest post from Dave Holst, NOS Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator

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