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Ocean Noise Strategy Roadmap

NOAA's first presentation of a more holistic approach to the management of ocean noise impacts on our trust resources.

This week, NOAA rolled out the final version Ocean Noise Strategy Roadmap. This effort, co-led by NMFS and NOS, is significant because it marks NOAA's first presentation of a more holistic approach to the management of ocean noise impacts on our trust resources.


The four overarching goals of the strategy are as follows:

  • Science: NOAA and federal partners are filling shared critical knowledge gaps and building understanding of noise impacts over ecologically-relevant scales.
  • Management: NOAA's actions are integrated across the agency and minimizing the acute, chronic and cumulative effects of noise on marine species and their habitat.
  • Decision support tools: NOAA is developing publically available tools for assessment, planning and mitigation of noise-making activities over ecologically-relevant scales.
  • Outreach: NOAA is educating the public on noise impacts, engaging with stakeholders & coordinating with related efforts internationally.

The Ocean Noise Strategy Roadmap, which supports NOS's priority of place-based management, will guide the agency toward more comprehensive and effective management of ocean noise impacts over the next decade. I would like to thank the people in NOS who contributed countless hours in support of this important effort.

W. Russell Callender, Ph.D. 
Acting Assistant Administrator for Ocean Services and Coastal
Zone Management, National Ocean Service