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New NOS Publications

Recent examples of great products released by the NOS team.

I'm really impressed by the recent publications that NOS program offices and their partners have contributed to or produced. I'd like to share a few examples:

  • More than 20 researchers from the Office of Response and Restoration and National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science co-authored many of the studies presented in a Special Issue of Endangered Species Research on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. The work represents more than five years of data collection, analysis, and interpretation to evaluate and quantify the unprecedented mortality rate and long-term environmental impacts of oil exposure on the Gulf's animals and habitats.
  • The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®) released the National Strategy for a Sustained Network of Coastal Moorings, which establishes a framework for planning and implementing a nationwide sustained coastal mooring network.
  • The Office for Coastal Management released a Digital Coast guidebook on Risk Communication Basics that offers insights into how people respond to risk, as well as best practices for risk communication and ways to frame conversations that appeal to a wide audience.
  • The Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services released an interagency report that provides regional sea level trends with scaled-down risk assessment data, which lets communities compare how their region varies from the global rate of sea level rise. This information supports long-term planning activities to protect coastal economies and infrastructure. NOAA worked with five co-authors to produce the report under the auspices of the Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flood Hazard Scenarios and Tools Interagency Task Force.
  • The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries released the inaugural issue of Earth is Blue: Magazine of the National Marine Sanctuaries, which depicts both the beauty and benefits of the sanctuaries and covers topics from maritime heritage to indigenous cultures and conservation to recreation.
  • The Coral Reef Conservation Program completed a five-year strategy document to guide its social science activities. Efforts undertaken by the program and its partners will shed light on the deep connections between coral reefs and the communities and economies that depend on them.
  • The Office of Coast Survey released its 2017 Hydrographic Survey Plan, which will be updated continuously as survey vessels report their progress on each project. OCS also released a new electronic navigation chart (NOAA ENC®) of historic Haverhill, Massachusetts, and the Merrimack River to improve safe recreational navigation along the river.
  • The Marine Protected Area Center co-authored an MPA Toolbox, which provides guidance to Arctic countries as they develop MPA networks, through its participation in the Arctic Council's Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Working Group.

While we highlight some of these publications and products with news articles and announcements on the National Ocean Service website, we can't cover everything—there's just too much going on in our various offices! Here's a page you can bookmark as a handy reference to our program office websites. I encourage you to visit our many online offerings to dig deeper into the variety of activities, publications, tools, and services that we offer.

W. Russell Callender, Ph.D. 
Assistant Administrator for Ocean Services and Coastal
Zone Management, National Ocean Service