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Capitol Hill Ocean Week

An opportunity for discussion, collaboration.

Each year, marine professionals, government officials, and ocean enthusiasts meet for Capitol Hill Ocean Week. The three-day symposium hosted by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation brings together hundreds of policymakers, industry leaders, scientists, academics and conservationists to shape marine policy and provoke conversation about critical ocean and coastal issues.

Today, I will be moderating a panel called, “Climate Realities: Preparing for the Worst?” that includes representatives from points of view such as state government, academia, other federal agencies, and the reinsurance industry. Tomorrow, I will be hosting an OceansLive panel on coastal resilience. CHOW sessions and OceansLive presentations are available at http://innerspacecenter.org/oceanslive.

On a related note, NOS continues our month-long online campaign called 30 Days of the Ocean on Sunday. Please follow and share on NOS's website, Facebook and Twitter pages.

Holly A. Bamford, Ph.D.
Assistant Administrator for Ocean Services and Coastal
Zone Management, National Ocean Service