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Annual Report

View highlights of NOS activities from Fiscal Year 2014.

With 90 percent of the country's consumer goods coming through maritime ports and nearly 40 percent of society living in coastal shoreline counties, America is without a doubt a coastal nation. Given the country's ever-changing environmental, societal and economic challenges, our top priority is to make sure the National Ocean Service's (NOS) science, service, and stewardship efforts stay ahead of the storm to protect, respond, and recover life and property.

We've gathered some examples of how we're doing that with our NOS Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Report. You'll note that this report is sorted by NOS Program Office and by NOS Priority. We hope you take some time to review what we've been up to.

Want to learn more about our priorities? Start here:

Coastal resilience: preparedness, response, and recovery
Coastal intelligence
Place-based conservation

W. Russell Callender, Ph.D. 
Acting Assistant Administrator for Ocean Services and Coastal
Zone Management, National Ocean Service