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National Estuaries Week

Do your part to help protect estuaries.

What successful coastal management program protects more than 1.3 million acres? The National Estuarine Research Reserves, featuring 28 sites across the country! And this week is National Estuaries Week.
Healthy estuaries provide a wide range of benefits to coastal communities and ecosystems. These special places, where rivers meet the sea. serve as natural filters for runoff, critical habitats for commercial and recreational species, storage facilities for excessive flood waters, important centers for transportation, and fun places for millions of people to boat, swim, fish, kayak, and more.
When devising ways for coastal communities to become more resilient, keeping estuaries healthy ranks near the top of almost every list. I’m proud of the outstanding work carried out in support of National Estuarine Research Reserves.
September 20 -27 is National Estuaries Week. Please take a few minutes to learn how to Do Your Part to Help Protect Estuaries. And visit this website to see how the various reserves are helping people “hug” this tidally awesome natural resource. Events include hikes, kayak trips, educational workshops, and more. Don’t just protect this important resource via your job – get out and enjoy yourself!

Holly A. Bamford, Ph.D.
Assistant Administrator for Ocean Services and Coastal
Zone Management, National Ocean Service