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2015 International Coastal Cleanup

Celebrating 30 years of keeping our coasts clean


What will you find?

This pile of trash was collected during the 2014 International Coastal Cleanup.

For the past three decades, the International Coastal Cleanup has been turning the tide on trash. Join the NOAA Marine Debris Program and Ocean Conservancy for the largest global volunteer effort to clean up local shorelines, coastal areas, parks, and neighborhoods on Saturday, September 19, 2015.

Last year, nearly 680,000 volunteers removed more than 16 million pounds of trash from 91 countries. Be a part of the action and participate in this year’s cleanup. Find a site near you.

The NOAA Marine Debris Program is a proud partner in the International Coastal Cleanup.

When it comes to marine debris, every piece counts.

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Did you know?

Some of the most popular items collected from past cleanups include cigarette butts, food wrappers (e.g., candy, chips), plastic bottles, and straws.

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