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New U.S. IOOS Ocean Enterprise Industry Study

Report details $7 billion in U.S. economic activities related to collection, use of ocean data.

This image shows three ten-meter hurricane buoys prior to deployment.

Eye-Opening Ocean Enterprise

A new study shows that the ocean enterprise, the for-profit and not-for-profit firms that support ocean measurement, observation, and forecasting, accounts for billions of dollars of the U.S. economy annually and provides up to 30,000 jobs. Hurricane buoys, shown here, are just one of the many tools used to collect ocean observation data.

The NOAA-led U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®), in partnership with The Maritime Alliance and ERISS Corporation, today issued the first national-level assessment of the scale and scope of the "ocean enterprise." The new study shows that the ocean enterprise, the for-profit and not-for-profit firms that support ocean measurement, observation, and forecasting, accounts for $7 billion dollars of the U.S. economy annually and provides up to 30,000 jobs.

"This analysis will help us stimulate new opportunities for engagement, innovation, and economic growth between public and private sectors."
— Zdenka Willis, U.S. IOOS® director

"This study seeks to raise the visibility of the ocean enterprise as similar studies did for the weather enterprise.  It's an important industry cluster, both for advancing ocean observing technologies and delivering value-added products based on ocean data. This analysis will help us stimulate new opportunities for engagement, innovation, and economic growth between public and private sectors," said Zdenka Willis, director of the U.S. IOOS program. "With these results, NOAA and other organizations can collaborate more effectively and continue developing data sets and products to improve public safety, enhance our economy, and deliver environmental benefits."

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Did you know?

The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System, or IOOS®, is a coordinated network of people and technology that compiles and distributes data on our coastal waters, Great Lakes, and ocean. IOOS coastal and marine data (e.g., water temperature, water level, currents, wind, and waves) are collected by many different tools, including satellites, buoys, tide gauges, radar stations, and underwater vehicles.


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